Tuesday, May 02, 2006



Tabris (viking) and I had a discussion last night. By "discussion," I mean we got in a giant slap fight. I think I won, and Tabris is a ball grabber.

I was playing Oblivion last night and found myself locked in a Mage's guild quest. Tabris looked up and saw where I was and what I was doing. I knew what was to come next. Its happened before and, like an abused wife, I've gotten used to my suffering. He said "Oh I know that quest! its easy... well, as long as you stalk up on reflect lightning scrolls."

That's right! Not only did Tabris tell me that the quest was "easy," thus laying pressure to beat it quickly lest I look like a clit-dragon, he also told me exactly how to beat it. He sees nothing wrong with this.

He does stuff like this alot. For example, he will say to me: "ENGeek my dearest brother, please cast your wise gaze in the direction of my monitor." trusting him, I oblige only to find the best armor in the game on his character. "doesnt that look cool on me? doesnt it ruin the surprise for when you find it yourself?"

Oh, I'm not bitter Tabris... Enjoy your Ramen noodles friend... No, thats garlic... What? Of course it's not my man seed. no no.

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